What we're about
Operations at Mathem are responsible for the entire physical flow from the supplier to the end customer. We got 4 main functions: Supply, Inbound, Outbound and Distribution. The supply organization acts centrally and the others are based on 3 CFCs which together reach approximately 55% of Sweden's population.
Our central support functions are HR, Controlling, Property, Quality & Work Environment as well as Project Management, Process Owner, Traffic Management and Routing which work with all regions. Our common goal is to deliver "The perfect order" which is a complete order including all items in the order, delivered with high quality and a happy customer. We deliver to approximately 10,000 homes 362 days a year with an assortment of over 10,000 items. Operations consist of over 1,500 employees.

Meet the team!
At Mathem Express we deliver orders within 30 minutes by electric bike in the inner city, which means a fast-paced everyday life. The best part is getting to work with so many driven and competent colleagues! We have the same basic values and know how important everyone's work effort is to deliver quality to our customers, on time. We work together as a team so that Mathem can be competitive and keep accelerate in this exciting market!
Love Berglund
Light store manager Express, Södermalm
My department works with customer satisfaction and support within the organization. The most enjoyable part is seeing how we constantly develop as a company and to get to participate in the decisions that are made. Mathem is a company that welcomes new ways of thinking, we dare to try new ways of working and think outside the box to achieve results.
Sandra Sonnerlund
Avdelningschef Produktion, Larsboda
My area, Outbound, is handeling all groceries going out from the warehouse. About 100 employees work in this area, which I see as a great asset - I have a huge faith in human capacity. I’m included in the production management team, which creates a common overall perspective. Creativity is encouraged and there is an open culture. I find it fantastic to be part of a learning organization where we always try to learn from every success and failure to be even better in the future.
Jakob Malmström
Områdeschef Produktion, Arlöv
As a Produktionsmedarbetare in the cold zone we pick all frozen goods to our customers. I’ve worked at Mathem for almost three years now and enjoy the tasks as well as the colleagues - everyone is nice, helpful and caring. I also appreciate the good dialogue with the managers, they have a great humility. The best thing about the freezer is that you always feel alert - the climate might seem discouraging at first, but you get used to the cold and it actually gives me a lot of energy!
Viktoria Ogay
Produktionsmedarbetare, Larsboda